We love our kitchen sink – and we got a great deal on it, originally. It is an IKEA Domsjo apron front sink. Ralph found one in the As-Is section at the IKEA in Atlanta while I was planning my IKEA kitchen. $99 for a large double bowl apron front sink was a great deal. Here is that sink:

Damon sent one of his workers to Atlanta, then the closest IKEA, to buy a replacement. He was very relieved to find that a new sink would only cost $200 (the Domsjo went up to $300 before they replaced it with the HAVSEN which sells for $200) – most apron front sinks at the time cost over a thousand dollars!
Here is the replacement sink in place, ready for plumbing:

In retrospect, we should have tried cutting off the broken back part of the sink and using it without that little grooved back deck. We’d had Damon drill two extra holes for the sprayer and a soap dispenser. That was a big mistake, though it looked great. Here’s a picture of the faucet, sprayer and soap dispenser in place, but before their were actually installed. That’s why there is a piece of foam under the faucet handle to keep it from toppling over:

All those pictures were taken back in 2007 when we were building the house. Over the years we found that the hole cut for the soap dispenser and the sprayer leaked, and those stupid grooves on the back deck were impossible to keep clean. Plus my lovely faucet started leaking, both from the sprayer and from the top of the faucet itself.
The Moen replacement faucet has a pull down sprayer so I didn’t need a hole for it. We never used the soap dispenser so that hole needed to too. And the way the sink stood up above the counter made the space behind the sink a difficult area to keep clean. But I had a clever plan!
We had just enough extra tile to cover that back deck and cover the holes. So Friday the plumber came and took out the old faucet.

Saturday a tile guy came and installed the tile:

And Monday morning the plumber came back and put in our new pull down faucet:

I’m vary pleased with the results and want to thank Alan and Sophie Rochette for the tile work and Danny Osterbye for their work!